a. The JHCS is a data base containing hazard classification and
safety data for explosive items, ammunition and ammunition related
items (i.e., items containing some Class 1 material) of the DODCs.
The information contained in the JHCS is necessary for safe storage
and transportation. The JHCS was established to promote consistency
among DoD hazard classification actions, to eliminate duplic
a t i o n a n d c o n f l i c t a m o n g c o m p o n e n t h a z a r d c l a s s i f i c a t i o n
assignments, and to provide a single source document of authoritative
and controlled hazard classification data for the entire DoD.
b. The JHCS contains the following data elements for DoD explosive
items, ammunition and ammunition-related items:
(1) DODC code — this code indicates which component is the
proponent of an item’s hazard classification.
(2) Tri-Service coordination code — this code indicates whether
or not Tri-Service coordination has been completed.
(3) Item nomenclature.
(4) Department of Defense identification code (DODIC), Locally
Assigned Ammunition Reporting Code (LARC), or Navy Ammunition
Logistic Code (NALC).
(5) National Stock Number (NSN).
(6) DOD hazard division transportation and storage Compatibility
Group (CG).
(7) United Nations (UN) Serial Number.
( 8 ) D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n ( D O T ) h a z a r d c l a s s ( p r e -
(9) DOT marking (with supplementary expansion ) (pre–1991).
(10) DOT label (pre–1991).
(11) Hazard symbol.
( 1 2 ) H i g h e x p l o s i v e w e i g h t ( H E W ) ( i n u n i t s o f p o u n d s a n d
( 1 3 ) N e t p r o p e l l a n t w e i g h t ( N P W ) ( i n u n i t s o f p o u n d s a n d
(14) Net explosive weight (NEW) — the total of all Class 1
material used for transportation purposes (in units of pounds and
(15) Net explosive weight for Q–D (NEWQD) — that combination
of explosive weight and propellant weight used to determine the
explosive weight used for quantity-distance purposes (in units of
pounds and kilograms).
(16) Part number and/or drawing number.
c. The above data will be sorted in the following sequences for
output purposes:
(1) NSN.
(2) Federal Stock Class (FSC)/ DODIC/National Item Identification
Number (NIIN).
(3) Part number (drawing number)/NSN.
(4) Alphabetical listing by Item Nomenclature.