Monday, 10 December 2012

Alfred Nobel: Life and Career

Born in Stockholm, Alfred Nobel was the fourth son of Immanuel Nobel (1801–1872), an inventor and engineer, and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel (1805–1889). The couple married in 1827 and had eight children. The family was impoverished, and only Alfred and his three brothers survived past childhood. Through his father, Alfred Nobel was a descendant of the Swedish scientist Olaus Rudbeck (1630–1702),and in his turn the boy was interested in engineering, particularly explosives, learning the basic principles from his father at a young age.
Following various business failures, Nobel's father moved to Saint Petersburg in 1837 and grew successful there as a manufacturer of machine tools and explosives. He invented modern plywood and started work on the "torpedo".In 1842, the family joined him in the city. Now prosperous, his parents were able to send Nobel to private tutors and the boy excelled in his studies, particularly in chemistry and languages, achieving fluency in English, French, German, and Russian. For 18 months, during 1841–1842, Nobel went to the only school he ever attended as a child, the Jacobs Apologistic School in Stockholm.
Alfred Nobel's death mask, at the Nobel museum in Stockholm, Sweden.
As a young man, Nobel studied with chemist Nikolai Zinin; then, in 1850, went to Paris to further the work; and, at 18, he went to the United States for four years to study chemistry, collaborating for a short period under inventor John Ericsson, who designed the American Civil War ironclad USS Monitor. Nobel filed his first patent, for a gas meter, in 1857.[2][5][1]
The family factory produced armaments for the Crimean War (1853–1856); but, had difficulty switching back to regular domestic production when the fighting ended and they filed for bankruptcy. In 1859, Nobel's father left his factory in the care of the second son, Ludvig Nobel (1831–1888), who greatly improved the business. Nobel and his parents returned to Sweden from Russia and Nobel devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, one of his fellow students under Théophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Turin). Nobel invented a detonator in 1863; and, in 1865, he designed the blasting cap.
On 3 September 1864, a shed, used for the preparation of nitroglycerin, exploded at the factory in Heleneborg Stockholm, killing five people, including Nobel's younger brother Emil. Dogged by more minor accidents but unfazed, Nobel went on to build further factories, focusing on improving the stability of the explosives he was developing. Nobel invented dynamite in 1867, a substance easier and safer to handle than the more unstable nitroglycerin. Dynamite was patented in the US and the UK and was used extensively in mining and the building of transport networks internationally. In 1875 Nobel invented gelignite, more stable and powerful than dynamite, and in 1887 patented ballistite, a forerunner of cordite.
Nobel was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1884, the same institution that would later select laureates for two of the Nobel prizes, and he received an honorary doctorate from Uppsala University in 1893.
Nobel's brothers Ludvig and Robert exploited oilfields along the Caspian Sea and became hugely rich in their own right. Nobel invested in these and amassed great wealth through the development of these new oil regions. During his life Nobel issued 350 patents internationally and by his death had established 90 armaments factories, despite his belief in pacifism.
In 1891, following the death of his mother and his brother Ludvig and the end of a long standing relationship, Nobel moved from Paris to San Remo, Italy. Suffering from angina, Nobel died at home, of a cerebral haemorrhage in 1896. Unbeknownst to his family, friends or colleagues, he had left most of his wealth in trust, in order to fund the awards that would become known as the Nobel Prizes. He is buried in Norra begravningsplatsen in Stockholm.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Alfred Nobel:Father of Explosives

Alfred Bernhard Nobel ([äl'fred bern'härd nōbel'] About this sound listen) (21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and armaments manufacturer. He was the inventor of dynamite. Nobel also owned Bofors, which he had redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major manufacturer of cannon and other armaments. Nobel held 350 different patents, dynamite being the most famous. He used his fortune to posthumously institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after him. His name also survives in modern-day companies such as Dynamite Nobel and Akzo Nobel, which are descendants of the companies Nobel himself established.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Department of Transportation (DOT) changes

a. In 1991 the DOT adopted into federal law a different system
for hazard classification of dangerous goods. The new system is
essentially that which is used by United Nations for the transportation
of dangerous goods. The total phase-in period for the new
system is ten years. The 49 CFR (App A, Ref 3) has more detailed
information regarding the different phase-in periods for specific
situations and should be consulted as the authoritative source. The
JHCS will continue to have the old DOT information for the entire
phase-in period of ten years.
b. For new items added to the JHCS after April 1991, there will
be no DOT (old system) information added.
c. For those items added after April 1991, the DOT hazard class
for Class 1 items will be the DoD Hazard Division Compatibility
Group. Any parenthetical values appearing in the DoD hazard class
will not be included in the DOT hazard class. For those items where
the DoD Hazard Division Compatibility Group is other than Class 1
 (i.e., Class 2–9), the DOT class will consist only of the DoD Hazard
Division. No Compatibility Group for Class 2–9 will be included in
the DOT hazard class; whereas, it will be for DoD.
d. For those items entered in the JHCS after April 1991, the DOT
label for Class 1 items will be the word “Explosive” followed by the
DOT hazard class (i.e., 1.2C). For Class 2–9 consult 49 CFR (App
A, Ref 3).
e. For those items entered after April 1991, the DOT container
marking for Class 1 items will consist of the Proper Shipping Name
(as defined by the UN Serial Number), the UN Serial Number, and
the NSN or part number. The NSN or part number may be used
only if it is directly traceable to a DOT assigned registration number
(i.e., “EX” number). All of these data elements are in the JHCS.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Joint hazard classification system-Background

a. The JHCS is a data base containing hazard classification and
safety data for explosive items, ammunition and ammunition related
items (i.e., items containing some Class 1 material) of the DODCs.
The information contained in the JHCS is necessary for safe storage
and transportation. The JHCS was established to promote consistency
among DoD hazard classification actions, to eliminate duplic
a t i o n a n d c o n f l i c t a m o n g c o m p o n e n t h a z a r d c l a s s i f i c a t i o n
assignments, and to provide a single source document of authoritative
and controlled hazard classification data for the entire DoD.
b. The JHCS contains the following data elements for DoD explosive
items, ammunition and ammunition-related items:
(1) DODC code — this code indicates which component is the
proponent of an item’s hazard classification.
(2) Tri-Service coordination code — this code indicates whether
or not Tri-Service coordination has been completed.
(3) Item nomenclature.
(4) Department of Defense identification code (DODIC), Locally
Assigned Ammunition Reporting Code (LARC), or Navy Ammunition
Logistic Code (NALC).
(5) National Stock Number (NSN).
(6) DOD hazard division transportation and storage Compatibility
Group (CG).
(7) United Nations (UN) Serial Number.
( 8 ) D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n ( D O T ) h a z a r d c l a s s ( p r e -
(9) DOT marking (with supplementary expansion ) (pre–1991).
(10) DOT label (pre–1991).
(11) Hazard symbol.
( 1 2 ) H i g h e x p l o s i v e w e i g h t ( H E W ) ( i n u n i t s o f p o u n d s a n d
( 1 3 ) N e t p r o p e l l a n t w e i g h t ( N P W ) ( i n u n i t s o f p o u n d s a n d
(14) Net explosive weight (NEW) — the total of all Class 1
material used for transportation purposes (in units of pounds and
(15) Net explosive weight for Q–D (NEWQD) — that combination
of explosive weight and propellant weight used to determine the
explosive weight used for quantity-distance purposes (in units of
pounds and kilograms).
(16) Part number and/or drawing number.
c. The above data will be sorted in the following sequences for
output purposes:
(1) NSN.
(2) Federal Stock Class (FSC)/ DODIC/National Item Identification
Number (NIIN).
(3) Part number (drawing number)/NSN.
(4) Alphabetical listing by Item Nomenclature.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Moderate Fire Hazard, No Blast Materials

(CLASS 1, DIVISION 4). Items in this division present a fire hazard with no blast hazard and virtually no fragmentation or toxic hazard beyond the fire hazard clearance specified for high-risk materials. However, separate facilities for storage and handling of this division should not be less than 100 feet from other facilities. However, if the facilities are of fire-resistive construction, they may be 50 feet from each other. If devices containing explosives are such that accidental ignition during storage or transport will not cause external damage to the devices, either by fire, smoke, heat, loud noise, or by visible damage to the outer packaging, they are not considered Class 1 items. These devices may be considered inert for storage purposes and marked AMMUNITION NONEXPLOSIVE for transport purposes. Certain articles within the division that contain one ounce or less of explosives have (based on test results) been classified as Class 1, Division 4S. These articles may be considered inert for storage purposes, and they are not subject to explosive transportation regulations. Articles containing larger quantities of explosives, also classified as Class 1, Division 4S, may be considered inert for storage purposes. However, they must be reviewed on an individual basis to determine whether explosive transportation regulations are applicable.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Storage Compatibility Groups

GROUP J - Ammunition in this group contains both explosives and flammable liquids or gels. This ammunition contains flammable liquids or gels other than those that are spontaneously flammable when exposed to water or to the atmosphere. Examples of these items are liquid- or gel-filled incendiary ammunition, fuel air explosive (FAE) devices, flammable-fueled missiles and torpedoes. 
GROUPK- Ammunition in group K contains both explosives and toxic chemical agents. Ammunition in this group contains chemicals specifically designed for incapacitating effects that are more severe than lachrymation. Examples of these items are artillery or mortar ammunition (fused or un-fused), grenades, and rockets or bombs filled with a lethal or incapacitating chemical agent.
GROUP L - Ammunition in-group L is not included in other compatibility groups. Ammunition in this group has characteristics that don't permit storage with other types of ammunition, explosives, or dissimilar ammunition within this group. Examples of these items are water-activated devices, prepackaged hypergolic liquid-fueled rocket engines, certain fuel-air-explosive (FAE) devices, TPA (thickened TEA), and damaged or suspect ammunition of any other group. Types of ammunition having similar hazards can be stored together but cannot be mixed with other groups. 
GROUP S - Ammunition in this group presents no significant hazard. It is designed or packed so all the accidental functioning hazards are confined within the package, unless the package has been degraded by fire. In this case, all blast or projection effects are limited to the extent they will not significantly hinder fire-fighting operations. Examples of these items are thermal batteries, explosive switches or valves, and other ammunition items that are packaged to meet the criteria established for this group. Ammunition and explosives are assigned to compatibility groups. When stored within their assigned group, ammunition and explosives can be stored together without significantly increasing either the probability of an accident or, for a given quantity, the magnitude of the effects of such an accident. The mixing of storage compatibility groups is permitted by NAVSEASYSCOM, as shown below. The mixing of storage compatibility groups other than those shown below must be approved by NAVSEASYSCOM. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Storage Compatibility Groups

Examples of these items are explosive switches or valves, and other ammunition items packaged to meet the criteria established for this group.
GROUP E - Group E items are ammunition that contains HE without its own means of initiation with a propulsive charge (other than one containing a flammable or hypergolic liquid). Examples of these items are artillery ammunition, rockets, and guided missiles. 
GROUP F - Group F items are articles containing a secondary detonating explosive substance with its means of initiation, with a propelling charge (other than one containing flammable liquid or hypergolic liquid) or without a propelling charge. Examples are items initiated by means of a button-firing device, grenades, sounding devices, and similar items that have an in-line explosive train in the initiator.
GROUP G - Group G items is fireworks, and illuminating, incendiary, smoke (including HC) or tear-producing munitions other than those munitions that are water activated or contain white phosphorus,  flammable liquid or gel. This group includes ammunition that, upon functioning, results in an incendiary, illumination, lachrymatory, smoke, or sound effect. Examples of these items are flares, signals, incendiary or illuminating ammunition, and other smoke or tear-producing devices. 
GROUP H - Group H items contains explosives and white phosphorus or other pyrophoric material. Ammunition in this group contains filler, which is spontaneously flammable when exposed to the atmosphere. Examples of these items are white phosphorus (WP), white phosphorus plasticized (PWP), or other ammunition containing pyrophoric material.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Storage Compatibility Groups

GROUP A - Group A items are initiating explosives. These are bulk initiating explosives that have the necessary sensitivity to heat, friction, or percussion to make them suitable for use as initiating elements in an explosive train. Wet lead oxide, wet mercury fulminate, dry RDX, and dry PETN are examples of initiating explosives. 
GROUP B - Group B items are detonators and similar initiating devices. These are items containing explosives that are designed to initiate or continue the functioning of an explosive train. Detonators, blasting caps, small arms primers, and fuses without two or more safety features are examples of Group B items.
GROUP C - Group C items are bulk solid propellants, propelling charges, devices containing propellant with or without a means of ignition, and items that will deflagrate, explode or detonate upon initiation. Examples of Group C items are single-, double-, and triple-base propellants, composite propellants, rocket motors (solid propellant), and ammunition with inert projectiles.
GROUP D - Group D items are secondary detonating explosive substances or black powder or articles containing a secondary detonating explosive substance, in each case without means of initiation and without a propelling charge, or articles containing a primary explosive substance and containing two or more effective protective features. Examples of these items are explosive switches or valves, and other ammunition items packaged to meet the criteria established for this group.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Explosive Safety Quantity-Distance (ESQD) Requirements

Explosive Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) requirements apply to the concentration of ammunition, explosives, and other hazardous materials at Naval Shore Establishments for development; manufacturing; test and maintenance; storage, loading and off-loading of vehicles, railcars and aircraft; disposal; and all related handling incidents. Explosive Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) requirements are based on records of actual fires and explosions involving ammunition and explosives. ESQD requirements safeguard personnel against possible serious injury or equipment destruction from possible fires or explosions. These requirements also protect the inhabitants of nearby communities, private and public property, and the Naval Shore Establishment personnel. These requirements keep the loss of valuable ammunition stores (including inert ordnance items) to a minimum if there were a fire or explosion. The Department of Defense (DOD) ESQD hazard classification system is based on a system recommended for international use by the United Nations Organization (UNO). The UNO system has nine classes of hazardous material; but, DOD only uses three of the nine classes�Class 1, explosives; Class 2, Division 3, poison A; and Class 6, poisonous (toxic) and infectious substances. The table identifies each of the nine classes. In reviewing the table, you can see that some items are placed in classes other than Class 1. Since DOD uses only Class 1 items for explosives, Class 1 assignments have been made. However, to maintain identity, DOD places these items in Class 1 for storage only until DOD implements other classes. As an AO, you are involved with the storage of Class 1 material; therefore, the information contained in this section only deal with Class 1 classifications. DOD Hazard Class 1 is subdivided into divisions 1 through 5, based on the character and predominance of the associated hazards and the potential for causing personnel casualties or property damage. These subdivision are not based upon compatibility groups or intended use.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Evolution of Heat

The generation of heat in large quantities accompanies most explosive chemical reaction. The exceptions are called entropic explosives and include organic peroxides such as acetone peroxideIt is the rapid liberation of heat that causes the gaseous products of most explosive reactions to expand and generate high pressures. This rapid generation of high pressures of the released gas constitutes the explosion. The liberation of heat with insufficient rapidity will not cause an explosion. For example, although a pound of coal yields five times as much heat as a pound of nitroglycerin, the coal cannot be used as an explosive because the rate at which it yields this heat is quite slow. In fact, a substance which burns less rapidly (i.e. slow combustion) may actually evolve more total heat than an explosive which detonates rapidly (i.e. fast combustion). In the former, slow combustion converts more of the internal energy (i.e. chemical potential) of the burning substance into heat released to the surroundings, while in the latter, fast combustion (i.e. detonation) instead converts more internal energy into work on the surroundings (i.e. less internal energy converted into heat); c.f. heat and work (thermodynamics) are equivalent forms of energy. See Heat of Combustion for a more thorough treatment of this topic.
When a chemical compound is formed from its constituents, heat may either be absorbed or released. The quantity of heat absorbed or given off during transformation is called the heat of formation. Heats of formations for solids and gases found in explosive reactions have been determined for a temperature of 15 °C and atmospheric pressure, and are normally given in units of kilocalories per gram-molecule. A negative value indicates that heat is absorbed during the formation of the compound from its elements; such a reaction is called an endothermic reaction. In explosive technology only materials that are exothermic—that have a net liberation of heat—are of interest. Reaction heat is measured under conditions either of constant pressure or constant volume. It is this heat of reaction that may be properly expressed as the "heat of explosion."E

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Sensitivity of explosive material

Sensitivity of an explosive refers to the ease with which an explosive can be ignited or detonated, i.e., the amount and intensity of shock, friction, or heat that is required. When the term sensitivity is used, care must be taken to clarify what kind of sensitivity is under discussion. The relative sensitivity of a given explosive to impact may vary greatly from its sensitivity to friction or heat. Some of the test methods used to determine sensitivity relate to:
  • Impact — Sensitivity is expressed in terms of the distance through which a standard weight must be dropped onto the material to cause it to explode.
  • Friction — Sensitivity is expressed in terms of what occurs when a weighted pendulum scrapes across the material (it may snap, crackle, ignite, and/or explode).
  • Heat — Sensitivity is expressed in terms of the temperature at which flashing or explosion of the material occurs.
Sensitivity is an important consideration in selecting an explosive for a particular purpose. The explosive in an armor-piercing projectile must be relatively insensitive, or the shock of impact would cause it to detonate before it penetrated to the point desired. The explosive lenses around nuclear charges are also designed to be highly insensitive, to minimize the risk of accidental detonation.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Causes of Explosion: Industrial

The most common artificial explosives are chemical explosives, usually involving a rapid and violent oxidation reaction that produces large amounts of hot gas. Gunpowder was the first explosive to be discovered and put to use. Other notable early developments in chemical explosive technology were Frederick Augustus Abel's development of nitrocellulose in 1865 and Alfred Nobel's invention of dynamite in 1866. Chemical explosions ( both intentional and accidental) are often initiated by an electric spark or flame. Accidental explosions may occur in fuel tanks, rocket engines, etc.

A high current electrical fault can create an electrical explosion by forming a high energy electrical arc which rapidly vaporizes metal and insulation material. This arc flash hazard is a danger to persons working on energized switchgear. Also, excessive magnetic pressure within an ultra-strong electromagnet can cause a magnetic explosion.

Strictly a physical process, as opposed to chemical or nuclear, e.g., the bursting of a sealed or partially sealed container under internal pressure is often referred to as a 'mechanical explosion'. Examples include an overheated boiler or a simple tin can of beans tossed into a fire.

Boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions are one type of mechanical explosion that can occur when a vessel containing a pressurized liquid is ruptured, causing a rapid increase in volume as the liquid evaporates. Note that the contents of the container may cause a subsequent chemical explosion, the effects of which can be dramatically more serious, such as a propane tank in the midst of a fire. In such a case, to the effects of the mechanical explosion when the tank fails are added the effects from the explosion resulting from the released (initially liquid and then almost instantaneously gaseous) propane in the presence of an ignition source. For this reason, emergency workers often differentiate between the two events.

In addition to stellar (star) nuclear explosions, a man-made nuclear weapon is a type of explosive weapon that derives its destructive force from nuclear fission or from a combination of fission and fusion. As a result, even a nuclear weapon with a small yield is significantly more powerful than the largest conventional explosives available, with a single weapon capable of completely destroying an entire city.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Low Explosives and HighExplosives.

Low explosives are compounds where the rate of decomposition proceeds through the material at less than the speed of sound. The decomposition is propagated by a flame front (deflagration) which travels much more slowly through the explosive material than a shock wave of a high explosive. Under normal conditions, low explosives undergo deflagration at rates that vary from a few centimeters per second to approximately 400 metres per second. It is possible for them to deflagrate very quickly, producing an effect similar to a detonation. This can happen under higher pressure or temperature, which usually occurs when ignited in a confined space.
A low explosive is usually a mixture of a combustible substance and an oxidant that decomposes rapidly (deflagration); however, they burn more slowly than a high explosive, which has an extremely fast burn rate.
Low explosives are normally employed as propellants. Included in this group are gun powders and light pyrotechnics, such as flares and fireworks, but can replace high explosives in certain applications, see gas pressure blasting.

High explosives are explosive materials that detonate, meaning that the explosive shock front passes through the material at a supersonic speed. High explosives detonate with explosive velocity rates ranging from 3 to 9 km/s. They are normally employed in mining, demolition, and military applications. They can be divided into two explosives classes differentiated by sensitivity: primary explosive and secondary explosive. The term high explosive is in contrast to the term low explosive, which explodes (deflagrates) at a slower rate.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Causes of Explosion: Natural and Astronomical

Explosions can occur in nature. Most natural explosions arise from volcanic processes of various sorts. Explosive volcanic eruptions occur when magma rising from below has much dissolved gas in it; the reduction of pressure as the magma rises causes the gas to bubble out of solution, resulting in a rapid increase in volume. Explosions also occur as a result of impact events and in phenomena such as hydrothermal explosions (also due to volcanic processes). Explosions can also occur outside of Earth in the universe in events such as supernova. Explosions frequently occur during Bushfires in Eucalyptus forests where the volatile oils in the tree tops suddenly burst.

Animal bodies can also be explosive, as some animals hold a large amount of flammable material such as animal fat. This, in rare cases, results in naturally exploding animals.

Among the largest known explosions in the universe are supernovae, which result when a star explodes from the sudden starting or stopping of nuclear fusion, and gamma ray bursts, whose nature is still in some dispute. Solar flares are an example of explosion common on the Sun, and presumably on most other stars as well. The energy source for solar flare activity comes from the tangling of magnetic field lines resulting from the rotation of the Sun's conductive plasma. Another type of large astronomical explosion occurs when a very large meteoroid or an asteroid impacts the surface of another object, such as a planet.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

United Nations Organization (UNO) Hazard Class and Division (HC/D)

The Hazard Class and Division (HC/D) is a numeric designator within a hazard class indicating the character, predominance of associated hazards, and potential for causing personnel casualties and property damage. It is an internationally accepted system that communicates using the minimum amount of markings the primary hazard associated with a substance.

 Explosives Warning Sign

Listed below are the Divisions for Class 1 (Explosives):
  • 1.1 Mass Detonation Hazard. With HC/D 1.1, it is expected that if one item in a container or pallet inadvertently detonates, the explosion will sympathetically detonate the surrounding items. The explosion could propagate to all or the majority of the items stored together, causing a mass detonation. There will also be fragments from the item’s casing and/or structures in the blast area.
  • 1.2 Non-mass explosion, fragment-producing. HC/D 1.2 is further divided into three subdivisions, HC/D 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, to account for the magnitude of the effects of an explosion.
  • 1.3 Mass fire, minor blast or fragment hazard. Propellants and many pyrotechnic items fall into this category. If one item in a package or stack initiates, it will usually propagate to the other items, creating a mass fire.
  • 1.4 Moderate fire, no blast or fragment. HC/D 1.4 items are listed in the table as explosives with no significant hazard. Most small arms and some pyrotechnic items fall into this category. If the energetic material in these items inadvertently initiates, most of the energy and fragments will be contained within the storage structure or the item containers themselves.
  • 1.5 mass detonation hazard, very insensitive.
  • 1.6 detonation hazard without mass detonation hazard, extremely insensitive.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Explosion : Definition and History

An detonative material, well-known as an explosive, is a reactive compound that bears a large sum of potential energy that can bring about a blast whenever discharged abruptly, ordinarily followed by the yield of luminosity, thermal energy, sound, and pressure sensation. An explosive charge is a count of amount of unstable material.
This potential energy stacked in an explosive material may be chemical energy, specified glyceryl tri nitrate or grain dust supercharged compacted fluid, such as a gas piston chamber, aerosol container, or pyrotechnics.
Atomic energy, such as in the fissionable isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239

While ahead of time caloric weapon systems, for Grecian fire, have subsisted for old times, the first of all widely ill-used detonative in war and excavation was black powder, made up in 9th century China. This stuff was highly sensitive to body of water, and developed lots of dark smoke. The firstly valuable explosive more inviolable than black powder was tri nitroglycerin, formulated in 1847. Since nitroglycerin was volatile, it was put back by cellulose nitrate, smoke-free powder, dynamite and gelignite (the two latter manufactured by Alfred Bernhard Nobel). Second World War projected a far-reaching application of new explosives. Successively, these have for the most part been replaced by advanced explosives such as TNT and C-4.

The increased availability of chemicals has granted the construction of improvised explosive devices.